NCHT Membership
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The North Craven Heritage Trust was formed to foster interest in and care for the distinctive character and heritage of North Craven by:
encouraging high standards of planning and architecture,
stimulating public interest in and care for the beauty, character and heritage of the area,
encouraging the preservation, protection and sympathetic development of features of historic or public interest.
To further these aims the Trust provides:
Regular evening illustrated talks on a wide range of topics of interest to members, such as natural history, archaeology, history and the built heritage.
A respected annual journal containing articles relevant to the Trust’s aims as well as a review of the year’s activities.
Short themed walks through the year during which the leaders interpret aspects of the landscape or more intimate details of a small area.
A twice yearly newsletter.
Social interaction with fellow members through the annual Christmas Party and occasional evening events.
The Trust monitors local planning applications and associated matters in accordance with guidelines that are available on the website.
The Trust also supports local projects in line with its aims. Its Historic Churches Fund has made several substantial grants for essential repairs and improvements. These include restoration of a stained glass window in Long Preston church, long-needed repairs to the Friends Meeting House in Airton, and repairs to Thornton in Lonsdale, Burton in Lonsdale and Clapham churches.
It has grant-aided a major archaeological excavation by the Ingleborough Archaeology Group, and has given bursaries to post-graduate research students at Lancaster University.
Over the years the Trust has grown in influence and reputation and has a membership approaching 400, including members who have moved to live elsewhere in the country but wish to maintain their links with North Craven and to continue their support of the Trust.