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TRUST documents

This is a catalogue of North Craven Trust archive material. It comprises original material, photocopies of documents sent to various County Archives or scans available on CD or on our website.

Acquisition of documents by the North Craven Heritage Trust

David Johnson, 2007: The Hollett Collection is in two sections: Hollett 1 and Hollett 2

In September 2006 the Trust purchased a set of original documents from an antiquarian bookseller in Sedbergh.
The present set was purchased to save them from possibly leaving the area or from being lost to the general public.
These, too, have been copied into hard copy and CD format for inclusion in our archival collection and the originals have been donated to either the North Yorkshire or Lancashire Record Offices, as relevant.

A total of 77 documents was acquired, varying from single sheet letters to plans to legal indentures. The earliest relates to Bolton le Sands mill and dates from 1588 while a Customary Deed for Tatham is from 1757. All the other documents relate directly to Craven and span the period 1653 to 1937.

The purchase cost was £325 but the effective cost was only £264 as two interested parties asked for photocopies of selected documents and made generous donations to the Trust. As with the 2000 collection, all these documents are available to members of the Trust.

Ingleton - 48 documents; Clapham - 16; Horton in Ribblesdale, Stainforth, Coniston and Hebden, Arncliffe, Kettlewell, Tatham, Bolton le Sands, Gargrave, Malham - one each; miscellaneous - 4.

These may be viewed using the links Hollett 1 and Hollett 2 above.

Documents Purchased for Posterity

R.G.K. Gudgeon, Chairman, 2002

During the latter part of 2000 it came to the attention of the Heritage Trust that certain documents relevant to North Craven, and which were believed to have come from the Settle area, were on sale in the locality. The committee after inspecting the various documents and deeds for sale, felt, not without some misgivings, that it would be good use of the Trust's finances to ensure that these articles remained in public hands and any possibility of their disappearance into private ownership prevented. Therefore documents as follows were purchased for a sum just exceeding £1,500:

1.     Purchase of land in Austwick by William Banks of Orcaber, 1760

2.     Articles of Agreement for the prosecution of felons in Clapham / Newby, cl820

3.     Copy of the Oxenber pasture case & Judge's opinion, 1875

4.     Transcript of 1627 indenture between John Ingleby & 39 tenants, cl830

5.     Indenture for transfer of properties in Clapham, Elizabeth to Charles Ingleby, 1819

6.     Charles Ingleby, deed of Revocation for use of properties in Clapham, 1754

7.     Original award for division of Bullet Mire, Austwick, with map and transcript ,1782

8.     Indenture for sale of Grainger Croft, Clapham to Stephen Walker, Austwick, 1636

9.     Granting of quit-rents to tenants in Clapham by Thomas Northcliffe, 1735

10.     Plan of enclosure of Cleatop Ings, Settle, inc. 34 pay't notes for walling, 1824-26

11.     Record Books of payments of parish dues of Giggleswick etc. Two originals and three transcripts, 1732-1846

12.     Last will and testament of Ann Ingleby of Austwick, 1819

13.     Documents relating to ex. monastic land and property at Langcliffe (in Latin), 1631

14.     'Berry, the ex-hangman', poster for entertainment at Victoria Hall, Settle, 1894

15.     Transcript of the Austwick Manor Court Book of 1693-1783, with detailed index, cl820

16.    Original Austwick Manor Court Book, with index, 1787-1839

17.     Photographs of dated building headstones (Dr Jan Rhodes)

Much discussion took place as to the final destination of these items. It was finally agreed that items 1-13 should be given to the West Yorkshire Archive Service at Wakefield. Item No. 14 was presented to the Victoria Hall in Settle and can be seen there on display, and it was felt that items Nos. 15 & 16 should be given to the Record Office at Northallerton.

All the items have been photo-copied and scanned into a computer system, and copies of the items are available on computer discs. As far as Items Nos. 15 & 16 are concerned, we have photocopied and reduced the pages to A4 size and have an inspection copy held within the Trust's archives. Naturally any member wishing to inspect either Manor Court book can do so.

Unfortunately most of North Yorkshire's historical records are held in many different places, but the distribution of the above items we believe fits in with the material held at both Wakefield and Northallerton. By purchasing these items we feel that the Trust has made a positive and practical approach to ensure that records of our area have been retained for posterity.


NCHT Archives November 2019

Box 1
Austwick Manor Court Book: Court Baron 1787 to 1839 volumes 1 to 4. Two copies of vol. 4.
Austwick Manor Court 1693 to 1783 on CD as pdf.


Box 2
Books and pamphlets published by NCHT and Civic Society

The Place Names of North Craven, Peter Metcalfe. 1985. 2 copies
The Dated Buildings of Bentham, Emmeline Garnett and Margaret Green-Hughes, 2000. 2 copies.
Austwick: A historical walk round the village, Sylvia Harrop. 2011. 2 copies. On CD.
Images of Dales Life in the 1930s, Joseph Norman Frankland 1904-1995. 2003. 2 copies.
Stackhouse, T. Ian Roberts. N.D. 2 copies.
A Flora of Craven, Joseph Norman Frankland 1904-1995. Elizabeth Shorrock. 2001. 2 copies. On CD.
A walk around Long Preston, E.M.J. Miller. 1978. 3 copies.
A walk around Long Preston, Revised by Long Preston Heritage Group, 2008. 2 copies. On CD.
North Craven Heritage Trust Twenty First Anniversary. 1989. On CD. 2 copies.
Wild Flowers, C. E. Margaret Buckle. N.D. On CD. 3 copies.
The Ancient Parish of Giggleswick. 1975. Paperback 1 copy.
The Ancient Parish of Giggleswick. 1975. Hardback 1 copy.
The Railway Shanties, W.R.Mitchell. N.D. 2 copies.
Settle Town Trail. N.D. Settle and District Civic Society. 1 copy.
A short walk in Settle: A town Trail, John Chapman. 2001. 2 copies.
A short walk in Settle: A town Trail, John Chapman. 2nd edition. 2007. 2 copies. On CD. 3rd edition 2019. 1 copy.
Greetings cards. Settle Civic Society. 2 sets, 1976: Batty Moss Viaduct, Arten Gill Viaduct, Sheriff Brow Bridge, Crowdundle Vale and Viaduct, Dent Head Viaduct, Whitefriars 1 copy, Weathercote cave 1 copy.

Greetings Cards
Chapel St. 2 copies
Market Square 2 copies

Museum of North Craven Life. Set of five guide cards NCHT 1980. 1 set.
St Michael the Archangel, Kirkby in Malhamdale, Nov, 2017 booklet
Fifty Years on: Securing North Craven's Heritage, 2019

Box 3
Settle and District Civic Society Newsletters 1971-1977 to Issue VIII No.2. Some missing. Multiple copies.

Queen's Silver Jubilee Newsletter No.1, 2, 3,4. 1977. Multiple copies.

North Craven Heritage Trust News Issue IX No. 1, 1978 to Issue XXI No.1, 1991. Multiple copies.

Colour photographs of local dated doorheads. Dr Jan Rhodes. 149 to scan.

Box 4
NCHT Journals: 1992 2 copies, 1993 1 copy, 1994 to 2011 2 copies each, INDEX 1992-2007 2 copies. All on CDs and website.

Box 5
NCH Newsletters January 2006 -
List of recitals 1978-2010
Recital, talks, party 2011 - 1995
Recital 1994, 1993, 1992, 1991, 1989, 1988, 1987, 1985, 1983, 1982, 1976
Christmas party 1987 (ticket)
New Recital venues
New Year Recital 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005,
Newspaper cuttings re meetings 2005
NCHT logo 2005
Dales Heritage 2004, issue 2
Settle area RenaissanceVision 2004
Ingleborough Archaeology Group, Broadwood dig 2004
Brian Braithwaite-Exley photo (President 1993-2004)
Roy Gudgeon, Chairman, funeral service 2003
Membership flyer 2008
Frankland Diaries, reviews 2003
Images of Dales Life flyer, 2003
Ingleborough Archaeology Group cuttings, Broadwood 2003
NCHT Bursary memo 2003
Notes to Lawkland Hall walk 2002
Flora of Craven book flyer, photo (Roy Gudgeon, Sylvia Harrop and Elizabeth Shorrock) and newscutting 2001
Dated Buildings of Bentham flyer
Garden party at Beck House, Giggleswick (ticket) 1998
Membership flyer 1998
Notes on Langcliffe village walk 1996
Letter to Mr Dutton from R. Doughty re NCBPT and NCHT 1994
NCHT membership subscriptions 1987
NCHT endowment appeal news cutting 1994
Resignation of Alan Bennett, President 1968-1993, news cutting
Charities Act -audit of accounts rules 1992
North Craven Heritage Centre report to Craven District Council 1991
Letter to members 1991 (in part re-Chapel St)
North Craven Heritage Centre report 1991
Settle Town Scheme 1991, 1988
North Craven Heritage Centre 1991(?)
North Craven Heritage Centre minutes 1990
Yorkshire Post cutting re bequests of Richard Nicholls
Notes re history of the NCHT
Memo to members re Alan Bennett 1989
NCHT Membership leaflet 1989
Museum of North Craven Life papers
Ticket for talk 'Rescue from remote places', by Dr J. Frankland 1988
NCBPT publications order form (1988)
Memo to NCHT volunteers 1988
Ticket for talk 'Gardening on the 55th parallel' by C. Jones 1988
NCHT discussion document 1987
Ribblesdale Project news cutting 1986
NCHT Auction 1986
News cutting 'Trustworthy gifts' 1986 (Alan Bennett)
Responsibilities of the NCBPT 1986
Museum Appeal Progress report 1986
Ribblesdale Trust - the Ribblesdale Project (1986)
Museum of North Craven Life leaflet 1985
NCHT appeal leaflet 1985
The Trust's new headquarters (1985)
NCHT membership form 1985
Membership leaflets
North Craven Heritage Festival 1984
NSPCC centenary 1984
Retirement of Jack Brassington 1983
Ticket for talk 'Norton Priory Museum' by Mrs S. Muldoon 1983
Garden party at Bowerley 1983 (ticket)
Ticket for talk 'Old Ingleton' by Mrs Muriel Humphries 1982
Linton Court Gallery 1982
Photographic exhibition of Settle 1981 (?)
NCHT concert 1981
Museum of North Craven Life opening 1980
Pig Yard Museum leaflet 1980
Museum Appeal 1980
Museum Appeal progress report 1979
Hellifield reservoir 1979
The Building of Settle exhibition 1982
North Craven Action Group - Skipton by-pass 1978
NCHT 10th anniversary programme and Elgar in Craven souvenir 1978
Craven Herald re Silver Jubilee 1977
Museum opening 1977
Booking form for festival (1977?)
Silver Jubilee leaflet 1977
Settle and District Civic Society Building Preservation Trust Ltd minutes 1976
SDCSBPT accounts 1976
Jubilee Museum leaflet 1976
SDCS letter from Alan Bennett 1976
Settle Carlisle railway centenary banquet menu and ticket (J.M.Brassington) 1976
SDCS letter re subscriptions (1976)
Festival programme 1975
Royal visit to Settle 1975
Royal visit to Settle Press Notice
SDCS memo 1974
SDCS Settle Carlisle railway coach tour 1974
Conservation Week booklets 1973
Craven Herald cutting re Alan Bennett on the Shambles 1971
SDCS report on grass verge wild flowers by E. Buckle 1971
SDCS programme 1970
Yorkshire Post cutting on reservoir on Settle Bottoms 1970
News cutting 'Upper Whappin', Settle 1970
News cutting re lineside flowers 1970
Yorkshire Post cutting 'Second class town's fear' 1970
News cutting 'The Shambles' 1970
News cutting re formation of SDCS 1969
SDCS minutes 1968
NCHT promotion leaflet n.d.
North Craven Heritage Centre Interpretative Team n.d. (Manpower Services Commission)
North Craven Heritage Centre review of management n.d.
SDCS Building Preservation Trust meeting 1976
SDCS 'A museum for Settle' n.d.
North Craven Heritage Centre management n.d.
NCHT and Buildding Presrvation Trust memo n.d.
List of donations to Museum Appeal fund n.d.
Settle Civic Society statement by Alan Bennett n.d.
New Settle Health Centre leeter from W.M.Bell n.d.
Museum Appeal (Jubilee) by Alan Bennett n.d.
SDCS photographic collection memo. n.d.
Austwick Record (newspaper)1956
Victory Day 1946 Langcliffe Celebrations programme
Silver Jubilee King George V and Queen Mary 1910-1935 Langcliffe Celebrations programme

Box 6
Arthur Lupton in memoriam
Bursary scheme 2003-2008
Application for membership
Miscellaneous correspondence 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1991, 1990, 1989, 1988, pre-1988 (to 1978)
Annual General Meetings 2011-1976
Committee meetings Minutes 2011- 1979, pre-1979 (to 1973)
Accounts 2011- 1982, 1979, 1976

Box 7
Annual Field Days Dr David S. Johnson 2003 -
Lists of Committee members 1984, 1991, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
Know Your Area walks locations 1996-2007 and reports
Historic Churches Fund correspondence 2006-2009
Annual Field Days Dr W.R.Mitchell 1981-2002 notes and photographs of last WRM walk
NCHT membership lists 2001, 2000, 1994, 1982
Programme of events 1974-1991
Listed Building Reports for North Craven

Box 8
Annual Programmes 1991 onwards

Box 9
Christopher Saxton map 1603 of Common of Selside and Austwick with text
TNA DL 44/653 Property of M.J.Slater copyright TNA (photograph)

Robert Newby 1619 Ingleborough and Moughton map (photograph)
TNA MOC 1/235 97662 DL 44/1038 Property of M.J.Slater copyright TNA

Letters Patent 1630 (contains the Final Concord text of 1582)
(The North Craven Heritage Trust purchased this document referring to the transfer of land in Langcliffe in 1582. The document is dated 1630. Original deposited at NYCRO). Photocopy.

Map of Austwick field names. Commisioned by Austwick Parish Hall Council. Drawn by Gillian Hazeldine. 2 copies


Box 10
J.N.Frankland Flora text and contents on CD
Frankland File 1 Original manuscript, 2 manuscript material
Flora of Craven proof copy
Cover of book and photograph of J.N.Frankland
Manuscript index material, source and book volumes unknown

Listed Buildings - a guide for owners and occupiers YDNPA 1993
Responding to Planning Applications A CPRE guide N.D.
YDNPA committee June 1995. Item 9 - A traffic and visitor management strategy for the Yorkshire Dales. Item 10 - dales woodland startegy
Designated conservation areas in the YDNP - dates of designation and areas with maps
Craven District Council Conservation Area maps
Yorkshire Dales Local Plan 1995 Public Enquiry 1994, 1995. Maps, modifications, committee decisions
Craven District (outside YDNP) Local Plan 1993 Surveys and Appraisals of Giggleswick and Austwick.

List of documents purchased from Holletts - total 77 documents, all on CD. Available on North Craven Heritage Trust website and North Craven Historical Research Group website.
Ingleton - 48 documents
1. 3 letters concerning stints in Chapel le Dale 1863-66 (19, 20)
2. Account, Littledale, concerning Midland railway and the Farrers. (6)
3. Manor of Ingleton, Rentals 1843-50 (9 docs.) (13, 14, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48)
4. Juror's Verdicts 1832 and 1845 (3 docs) (53, 55, 56)
5. Admittance of Tenants 1846 and 1893 (2 docs) (31, 49)
6. Plan, Midland Railway and tramway. n.d. (16)
7. Conveyance of Field, Short Enter Close 1805 (37)
8. Notice to Quit re shooting on Ingleborough 1866 (3 docs) (38)
9. Writ for Trespass on Ingleborough 1839 (2)
10. Manor Verdicts re Skirreth Estate 1653-1853; letter re sale of estate (2 docs) (7, 82)
11. Greenwood family papers 1850s-70s - legacies, financial statements, releases, will (12 docs) (15, 21, 22, 23white, 23blue, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 40)
12. Tenancy Agreement, Dale House Farm (63, 34, 306)
13. Agreement, sale of Hemplands Farm 1812 (2 docs) (32A, 32B)
14. Schedule of Admittance, Ellerbeck Farm 1870, letter re same (2 docs) (8, 106)
15. letter James Farrer to Fenwick re new railway line 1870 (98)
16. letter re Geo.Bibby working Ingleton stone quarry 1832 (105)
17. Storrs Lime Kilns - 3 letters 1866 and 1882


Clapham -16 documents
1. letters concerning purchase of a dog cart phaeton 1868 (5 docs) (148, 83/84/79, 82/150, 145/81, 151)
2. Tenancy Agreement for New Inn, Clapham 1849 (10)
3. Scale plan of Newby sewerage system c1890 (36)
4. Admittances to the Manor of Newby 1842 t0 1892 (4 docs) (57, 11, 12, ?)
5. Probate bill of T R Clapham of Austwick Hall 1909 (92)
6. letters from Oliver Farrer to Geo Dudgeon 1841 (5 docs) (100, 101, ?, 103, 104) + 7 photocopies of annual quit notices etc. + 1 account James Jackson deceased.

Horton in Ribblesdale -1 document
1. Sale brochure for grouse moor, I house and 3 farms (4)

Stainforth -1 document
1. Receipt for rental, Chris. Brown 1880 (144/99)

Coniston and Hebden - 1 document
l. Covenant 1860 (3)

Arncliffe -1 document
1. Extracts of title deeds 1856 (9)

Kettlewell -1 document
1. Epitome of Title, Kettlewell Corn Mill 1854 (5)

Tatham -1 document
1. Customary Deed of an Estate 1757

Bolton le Sands -1 document
1. Agreement 1588 (in English) (1A)

Gargrave -1 document
1. Plan of property 1895

Misc - 5 documents
l. Probate receipt 1875 (93)
2. Life policy on John Holland 1872 (94)
3. letter re Henry Lund of Malham 1937 (96)
4. note re Farrer documents re sheep gaits 1870 (74)
5. Probate receipt 1854 (18)

Lancashire Record Office receipt, 2007, for Water mill in Bolton le Sands deed of 1588 and land in Tatham 1757.

North Yorkshire County Record Office receipt for Hollett collection, 2007

Box 11
Documents deposited with WYAS at Sheepscar. Copies contained within NCHT archive
Copies of documents deposited at WYAS Sheepscar. WYL 1977. Not catalogued individually and not found by general search. Items 15 and 16 at NYCRO.


Document no.

1 Purchase of land in Austwick by William Banks of Austwick 1760

2 Articles of Agreement for the prosecution of felons in Clapham and Newby, c1820

3 Copy of the Oxenber pasture case and judge's opinion, 1875

4 Transcript of 1627 indenture between John Ingleby & 39 tenants, cl830

5 Indenture for transfer of properties in Clapham from Elizabeth to Charles Ingleby, 1819

6 Charles lngleby, deed of revocation for use of properties in Clapham, 1754

7 Original award for division of Bullet Mire, Austwick, with map & transcript, 1782

8 Indenture for sale of Grainger Croft, Clapham to Stephen Walker of Austwick,1636 MISSING

9 Granting of quit-rents to tenants in Clapham by Thomas Northcliffe, 1735
10 Plan of enclosure of Cleatop Ings, Settle, inc. 34 payment notes for walling, 1824-26

11 Record books of payments of parish dues of Giggleswick, 1732 - 1839, 1732 - 1737 E, 1747-1754 H, 1769-1775 K, 1780-1795 M, 1825-1839

12 Last will & testament of Ann Ingleby of Austwick, 1826

13 Document relating to former monastic lands at Langcliffe, 1631 See Box 9 Letters Patent

14 Donated to Victoria Hall.Berry, the ex-hangman poster 1894

15 Transcript of Austwick Manor Court Book, 1693-1783, made c1820 (at NYCRO, Northallerton) See Box 1

16 Original of no.15, with index, 1787-1839(at NYCRO) See Box 1

Separate item
17 Indenture donated by Jeff Shaw concerning property in Settle and Grainhouse. Between John Windsor of Settle and William Husband of Granehouse (sic) re Mason’s Croft messuage in Settle now inhabited by Edmund Moore 13 March 1738

Box 12 Electronic archives 2012 onwards

CD Archives 2013/14, Newsletters 2015/16
CD Archives 2015/16
CD Wakefiled Deeds with letter about copyright
CD Archives 1992-2015
CD Agenda, Minutes 2014/15
CD Settle Book 1973
Programme posters 2012 onwards
RGS Town and Country self-guided walk around Settle
Yorkshire Dales Green Lane Alliance Newsletters 2008 onwards
Yorkshire Dales NPA Consultation Public Rights of Way 2007-2010
NYCC 2008-2012 Public Rights of Way

Yorkshire Vernacular Buildings Study Group Reports

Airton - 577 Occabers

Arncliffe - 1111 Green Farm Cottage, 1407 Sawyersgarth

Asenby - 1020 Hall Farm Barn

Austwick - 654 Battle Hill, 547 Town End Cottage, 1147 Wharfe Manor House, 657 Town Head Farm

Bentham - 616 Holmes

Calton - 1400 Nelson House

Clapham cum Newby - 1033 Middle Birks, 650 Newby Cotes, 676 Keasden Head, 644 Croft House

Conistone with Kilnsey - 1002 Conistone Old Hall, 823 Kilnsey Old Hall

Giggleswick - 801 Armistead Hall, Halton West, 486 Auld Hall

Horton in Ribblesdale - 549 Fawber A, 550 Fawber B, 490 Top Farm, 970 Beecroft Hall, 89 Hoyle Cottage (4, South View), 488 Harber Farm House, 489 The Shaws, 548 Foxwood Pursuits Centre (Newhouses), 679 Lodge Hall/Ingman Lodge, 947 Studfold Farm, 959 Studfold Cottage (demolished 1980s), 960 Newland House, 961 Blindbeck

Ingleton - 697 Colt Park

Kirkby Malham - 571 High Kirk Gill, 572 Low Kirk Gill, 1156 Rectory, 1411 Yeoman's Cottage

Langcliffe - 678 Manor (Farm) House, 1099 Paley House (Old Vicarage)

Lawkland - 1032 Lawkland Hall

Litton - 1170 Armstead's Farm, 1229 Elbeck

Rathmell - 51 Far Cappleside Barn, 578 Lumb Farm

Scosthrop - 641 Scosthrop Manor

Settle - 1146 Underwood

Stainforth - 546 Sherwood House

Swinden - 485 Swinden Hall

Thornton-in-Lonsdale - 640 Overgreen (Westhouse), 643 Halsteads, 653 Dale House (Masongill), 658 Masongill Lodge (Masongill)

Wigglesworth - 672 Lower Pyethorns

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